A traditional Swedish Easter: feathers, witches and beer

March 28, 2013

in Cultural differences,Living abroad,Living in Sweden,Stockholm,Swedish traditions


Easter feathers at my local florist.

What is it about other cultures’ traditions that makes them seem so much more interesting than your own? From my very first days of living in Stockholm, I’ve been charmed by all the unique-to-me Swedish traditions. They just seem so much more quaint than the ones I grew up with, although I do admit that I am still a big fan of American Halloween. And Thanksgiving too. But I digress.

As I was coming home from work today, all the little Easter witches were out. And for the last few weeks, the feather branches have been for sale as well. Then at the grocery tonight, I made sure to go ahead and buy some of the Easter godis or candies. Because I know that if I make the mistake of waiting much longer, they will all be gone and I will have no chocolate, marzipan or almond eggs.

While I was at it, I got some Påskmust too. Must is sort of like a sweeter tasting version of root beer and is typically served up at Christmas, when it’s called Julmust or Christmas must, but also at Easter or Påsk. Now I just need to get some Påsköl or Easter beer.


Swedish Easter cola and eggs.


Swedish Easter witches

Swedish Easter witches. Photo courtesy of Kim.



{ 1 trackback }

Going Swedish or how I found my balance | 59 North
November 10, 2015 at 22:56


1 Lou Lou April 5, 2013 at 09:33

What cute little witches!

2 Sandra April 7, 2013 at 18:10

They are cute, aren’t they? They are the daughters of a friend.

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