A new look for Sandra in Sweden

November 25, 2009

in Book musings,Stockholm

You may have noticed things look a bit different today for my blog. Thanks to my friend Lisa at Lisa Hazen Design & Editorial, I at long last have a design for my blog and also a web site all rolled into one.

We have done what Lisa calls a “soft launch” which means there is still some tweaking to be done to the site in terms of the overall look and I have a lot more content to add. But the blog is still there, as well as lots of new things to check out as well. Let me know what you think.


1 Kezia November 28, 2009 at 17:19

Site is looking good, Sandy and Lisa! I did notice that some of the recent comments from your blog did not transfer over to this thread (e.g., my pajama comment). Not a big deal for me; but, just a technical glitch to be aware of. What is your email newsletter?

2 admin November 30, 2009 at 17:55

Hi Kez, This was lost in space and I just got it today. Thanks for the comments. The site is a work in progress and more has to be done…

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