A little bit of Aussie fashion

December 7, 2010

in Shopping in Stockholm,Stockholm

R.M. Williams boots

R.M. Williams boots.

I’m continually fascinated by what a trendy town Stockholm is. Whatever is in style is worn by everyone. Just now, one of the hottest pair of boots to wear for both men and women are R.M. Williams. The iconic Australian boot for the bush is all of the sudden the boot to wear in the city. And to wear this look with Stockholm flair, you should tuck your skinny jeans or leggings into the boots.

I’ve had my R.M. Willims dress boots since 2000. Maybe for once I was well ahead of a Stockholm trend? They’ve been resoled, but overall, they are still looking good. Since they are the ones with the leather soles, they are not the best for wearing in all this snow. I’m still embarrassed by the memory of wearing them out my first winter here: I was heading for drinks with friends and as soon as I hit a downhill, down I went. I’m thinking that trendy or not, they are my indoor boots for the time being.


1 Kezia December 7, 2010 at 17:07

I bought a pair of black R.M.Williams boots during my OZ stint in 1996. I loved them, and wore them to death!

2 admin December 7, 2010 at 18:53

Ah, good memories! Thanks for sharing those Kezia.

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