Winter gray Stockholm

January 18, 2011

in Stockholm,Stockholm weather,what to see in Stockholm


A flash of red along the canal. The Baltic is such a deep shade of slate in this photo and the next.

It is densely, thoroughly and completely gray outside. I have not seen the sun since I left the US. But somehow, all that gray is also incredibly beautiful in contrast to the stark white of the snow. On a walk around Djurgården this morning with a friend, I was blown away by the landscape around me and the many shades of gray.

djurgårdenAccording to the weather service, the sun will be shining again tomorrow. I need it. But for today, I am willing to enjoy the gray.


At the boat club.


A group of cranes was hanging out on the ice, but this one was off on his own.


1 James January 18, 2011 at 18:13

I know it’s grey and all, but I would LOVE to experience something like this

2 admin January 18, 2011 at 19:18

Looks gorgeous James!

3 liv January 18, 2011 at 21:19

That’s a gray heron, not a crane. The cranes are happily vacationing in Spain until spring. 🙂

4 admin January 18, 2011 at 22:56

Liv, Ya know, I had a feeling that was not a crane. Thanks for the correction!

5 susan January 19, 2011 at 12:20

sun! it’s sunny now! wheee!

6 admin January 19, 2011 at 13:39

Susan, Yes it’s sunny. And I am LOVING it!

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